Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Quick Hello!

I have been hoping to post for about a week now, but it always gets bumped down the list. The update on the presentation that Autumn and I are doing for our church is that it will happen on August 9th at 7:00pm. Pray for us from now through then as we put a program together that will highlight the work that God is doing in Uganda. The healing that has come through COTN is amazing and I still can only wonder at the greatness of the God we serve. Here are a couple more pictures from the trip. I am so thankful and blessed to have served with you guys. I recently vistited my journal and it started to open a part of my heart that I sealed shut when I got home. I think about talking in front of people and I can already feel the tears well up. I am such a weeper. There has been a good bit of interest in our trip and that is why we are doing th presentation in a public way. People from our old church and current church have shown much interest, as well as people who do not go to church at all. Pray that God works in mighty ways through all of this! I will be trying to publish an announcement in the paper, we'll see how that goes. It is a small town and that means we can get good exposure pretty easily. I received an updated picture of Felix, one of the kids from my group at Abia. I have to say it about knocked me over. It was more real to me than my own pictures, maybe it is a reminder that it was not just a dream after all. I hope you guys are being blessed like we are! God used us all in amazing ways and I think that I have been affected by you guys as much as the Ugandans. I am rambling now, so that means it is time to quit...

Peace Be With You,



Nancy Kilpatrick said...

Dear Aaron and Autumn:
I will be in prayer for you both as you have the privilege of sharing with your community about your experiences in Uganda and all that God has done there, and still longs to do.
It was a privilege to serve alongside of you both, as well,and I thank God daily for the blessing it was to have done so.
I send you my love and prayers for God's richest blessings and joy - Nancy

Nancy Kilpatrick said...

Dear Aaron and Autumn:
How are you, and how did your presentation go? I have been praying for you and hoping that God used you greatly for His glory and helped you to know just the right things to say in the presentation. I'm sure you were a blessing to many.
Have you had any difficulty getting your e-mails through to Pastor James and any of the others in Uganda? My e-mails are not going through, and I am wondering if you have had similar problems, or know if there has been a change in their addresses?
Or, it may be that I am doing something wrong - but I did have a few e-mails go through successfully right after we returned, so I don't think it was my lack of computer skills this time, although that is always a distinct possibility!
I am looking forward to hearing about your presentation, when you get the chance. I am continuing to pray about serving long-term in Malawi, and may possibly come to Seattle to discuss things with the powers that be in the Fall - we'll see how God leads. In the meantime, I continue to pray for you, our team, and remain thankful for the blessing of having served with you. I send you my love - Nancy